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london dumping convention 1972- Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter-폐기물에 의한 해양 오염 방지 협약 - 오페라 칼레아 부탈소로의 해양 이야기-5

아트팜엘케이 2024. 6. 2. 14:26

london dumping convention 1972

Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter

폐기물 및 기타 물질의 투기에 의한 해양 오염 방지 협약 - 오페라 칼레아 부탈소로의 해양 이야기-5

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"1972년 폐기물 및 기타 물질 투기에 의한 해양 오염 방지에 관한 협약", 줄여서 "런던 협약"은 인간 활동으로부터 해양 환경을 보호하기 위한 최초의 글로벌 협약 중 하나로 1975년부터 발효되었습니다. 그 목적은 모든 해양 오염원의 효과적인 통제를 촉진하고 폐기물 및 기타 물질의 투기로 인한 바다 오염을 방지하기 위해 모든 실행 가능한 조치를 취하는 것입니다. 현재 87개국이 이 협약의 당사국입니다. 런던대회 50주년 2022년은 IMO가 런던협약을 채택한 지 50주년이 되는 해입니다. 협약의 채택은 주요 성과였으며, 1972년 스톡홀름에서 열린 유엔 환경 회의와 함께 환경을 진정으로 중심 무대에 놓고 인간이 해양에 끼친 피해에 대해 책임을 지는 첫 번째 단계를 구성했습니다.

The "Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter 1972", the "London Convention" for short, is one of the first global conventions to protect the marine environment from human activities and has been in force since 1975. Its objective is to promote the effective control of all sources of marine pollution and to take all practicable steps to prevent pollution of the sea by dumping of wastes and other matter. Currently, 87 States are Parties to this Convention.

50 years of the London Convention

In 2022, IMO is marking  fifty years since the adoption of the London Convention. The adoption of the Convention was a major achievement, which, along with the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Environment in Stockholm, constituted the first steps to truly put the environment at centre stage and take responsibility for the harm humans have done to the ocean.

아래의 url을 따라 자세한 정보를 얻어 주세요.  FOLLOW BELOW URL - IMO - International Maritime Organization

Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter (imo.org)


Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter



1996년에 "런던 의정서"는 협약을 더욱 현대화하고 궁극적으로 이를 대체하기로 합의되었습니다. 의정서에 따르면 소위 "역방향 목록"에 있는 허용 가능한 폐기물을 제외한 모든 투기는 금지됩니다. 의정서는 2006년 3월 24일에 발효되었으며 현재 53개 의정서 당사국이 있습니다. 이 페이지에는 1996년 런던 의정서 당사국이 되는 데 관심이 있는 일반 대중과 국가를 위한 일반 정보가 포함되어 있습니다. 관련 문제에 대한 추가 정보를 보려면 왼쪽 링크를 클릭하십시오. 협약 및 의정서에 대한 정보는 런던 협약이 무엇인지, 현재까지의 성과, 멤버십의 잠재적 혜택 및 비용, 현재 활동의 최종 후보 목록이 포함된 정보 전단지(현재 영어로만 제공됨)에서도 찾을 수 있습니다. 문서 및 기타 국제 협정과의 관계에 따라. 런던 협약/의정서 및 해양 문제 사무국은 여러 국제기구 및 산업 협회와 긴밀히 협력하고 있습니다. 목록은 왼쪽의 "링크 및 참고 자료" 섹션에서 확인할 수 있습니다. 협약 및 의정서에 따른 회의 또는 해당 문서에 따른 실무그룹의 회기간 회의에 대한 공식 문서는 IMODOCS 웹사이트(http://docs.imo.org)에서만 확인할 수 있습니다.

London Protocol 1996 

In 1996, the "London Protocol" was agreed to further modernize the Convention and, eventually, replace it. Under the Protocol all dumping is prohibited, except for possibly acceptable wastes on the so-called "reverse list". The Protocol entered into force on 24 March 2006 and there are currently 53 Parties to the Protocol.

These pages include general information for the public and for States interested in becoming Parties to the London Protocol 1996. Please click on the links to the left for further information on related issues. 

Information about the Convention and the Protocol can also be found in the information leaflet (currently available in English only) which contains details on what the London Convention is, achievements to date, the potential benefits and cost of membership, a shortlist of the current activities under the instruments and their relationship with other international agreements. 

The Office for the London Convention/Protocol and Ocean Affairs works closely with a number of international organizations and industry associations, a list can be found under the "Links and References" section to the left.

Please note that official documents for meetings under the Convention and Protocol or intersessional meetings of working groups under the instruments are only available from the IMODOCS website, at http://docs.imo.orgRegistration is required to access the documents.

 Text of the Convention and Protocol

The full text of the Protocol, with its 2006 amendments, and the text of the Convention can be found in the links on the right hand side. Please note that these are not certified copies of the legal texts, these can be downloaded from http://docs.imo.org, under the section "Treaties".  

What are the purpose and objectives of the London Convention and Protocol? 

The objective of the London Convention and Protocol is to promote the effective control of all sources of marine pollution. Contracting Parties shall take effective measures to prevent pollution of the marine environment caused by dumping at sea (see articles I and II of the Convention and article 2 of the Protocol). 

The purpose of the London Convention is to control all sources of marine pollution and prevent pollution of the sea through regulation of dumping into the sea of waste materials. A so-called "black- and grey-list" approach is applied for wastes, which can be considered for disposal at sea according to the hazard they present to the environment. For the blacklist items dumping is prohibited. Dumping of the grey-listed materials requires a special permit from a designated national authority under strict control and provided certain conditions are met. All other materials or substances can be dumped after a general permit has been issued. 

The purpose of the Protocol is similar to that of the Convention, but the Protocol is more restrictive: application of a "precautionary approach" is included as a general obligation; a "reverse list" approach is adopted, which implies that all dumping is prohibited unless explicitly permitted; incineration of wastes at sea is prohibited; export of wastes for the purpose of dumping or incineration at sea is prohibited. Extended compliance procedures and technical assistance provisions have been included, while a so-called transitional period allows new Contracting Parties to phase in compliance with the Protocol over a period of five years, provided certain conditions are met.

Progress to date: Four decades of achievements

 A video about the achievements of the Convention and Protocol over the last 40 years, since the adoption of the London Convention in 1972, can be found here.

 An extensive compilation of the events leading up to the adoption of the Convention and Protocol, as well as many of the historical documents (meeting reports, etc.), is available on the IMO Maritime Knowledge Centre website.

imo the main steps taken under the London Convention since 1972.


0:51:40 바다를 망가뜨린 해양 쓰레기들

1:17:53 기후 변화가 가져온 수만 개의 바이러스들

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Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Waste and Other Matter (1972) | Encyclopedia.com


Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Waste and Other Matter (1972) | Encyclopedia.com

Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Waste and Other Matter (1972) The 1972 International Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Waste and Other Matter, commonly called the London Dumping Convention, entere






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