This ALBUM, whose title is the Latin word 'MARTYRES' meaning 'martyrs',
It stars YI BYEOK IOANNES BAPTISTA, I SEUNG-HUN PETRUS, JEONG YAK-JONG AUGUSTINUS, GWON CHEOL-SIN AMBROSIUS as the main characters and is set in the feudal Joseon Dynasty of the 1800s. The advent of Catholicism and the spread of the gospel, the harmful effects of monarchy and the dissent, the resulting popular uprising, and above all, the historical events of persecution and death through the recognition and conversion to religion from the study of Western learning are looked back on through the musical style of oratorio. there is. Beginning with the humiliation of King Injo's Samjeondo and Crown Prince Sohyeon's life as a hostage to the Qing Dynasty, Catholicism, which naturally permeated the history of the dynasty, is included in the orchestral music. It contains the Gyeonggi-do Chonjinam Lecture Society held by Silhak scholars of the Joseon Dynasty, the birth of the first baptized, the Sugyo Church meeting and the family priest system, and the prayers and meetings at Myeongryebang, now Myeongdong Cathedral. The spread of Catholicism to the people, the continuation of grim persecution, the social upheaval and apostasy that occurred against the Confucian historical order of Joseon, and the popular uprising that led to the spread of Western Learning and Donghak are included in instrumental and choral works. It ends with the scene of the main characters' martyrdom at the intersection outside Seosomun, which is caused by the historical fact of the Shinyu Persecution in 1801. Oratorio Martires divides the era of brilliant encounters between history and religion into human songs and divine songs, so that the people of Joseon at the time could sing. It contains the answer from God that I so desperately wanted to hear. The requiem for the martyrs, who depended on God in the face of terrible death and wanted to see heaven until their final martyrdom, is rather lively and contained in gospel with the final English lyrics. Our ancestors struggling under the haughty breath of history, the earnest thirst for God, the warm spirit of love for the people of the intellectuals in a class society, and the burning will of the people for reform, although slowly, always change society. Martyres makes us think about religion and history again, going beyond religion, by combining the history that continues due to humans, religion within history, and history through religion.
Oratorio Martyres Act 1 LIVE(LIVE) by Original cast of oratorio Martyres on Amazon Music Unlimited
Oratorio Martyres Act 1 LIVE(LIVE) – Original cast of oratorio Martyres
On Amazon Music
Oratorio Martyres Act 2 LIVE (A Brilliant Encounter Between History and Religion)(LIVE) – Original cast of oratorio Martyres
On Amazon Music
Oratorio Martyres Act 1 LIVE(LIVE) - Album by Original cast of oratorio Martyres - Apple Music
Apple Music에서 감상하는 오라토리오 마르티레스 오리지널 캐스트의 오라토리오 마르티레스 세계
앨범 · 2023년 · 12곡
Apple Music에서 감상하는 오라토리오 마르티레스 오리지널 캐스트의 오라토리오 마르티레스 세계
앨범 · 2023년 · 13곡
With two acts, 23 songs, and a running time of 90 minutes, I would like to thank my fellow artists for providing artistic inspiration to each other in order for Oratorio Martyres to be staged, recorded, and released to the world. We also hope that this album will connect with audiences around the world, and that one day we'll get to see them live on stage. In the eternal universe of music, I am once again pleased to present to you the Oratorio Martyres album with my voice, and I hope that it will accompany you in all those moments of spirit and philosophy that man may not dare to reach. Unlike the prayers of the early Christians, which were as breathless as night to night and day to day, in real history almost all Christians die in persecution. It leads to the great chorus, The Way of the Martyrs, which is dedicated to the period of persecution in which the most people died. The martyr's way is the way of death. But the final English-lyric chorus, addressed to people living in a time of religious freedom over the deaths of those 200 years ago, conveys hope, and the whole chorus unfolds. With Oratorio Martyres, we may be artists charged with the sacred task of capturing our history in classical music. We are pleased to present to you these two beautiful albums, and we thank you again and hope that they will be enjoyed by audiences around the world. I pray that one day we will be able to bring this music to your place and perform. Forever, music, forever!Forever, silent on the earth of music tradition and future! Thank you very much.
Tenor Jihoon KIM – solo interview –
Hello, Everyone! I'm opera singer and tenor, Jihoon KIM. Today I am honored to introduce you to a live album of Oratorio Martyres, which had its world premiere in Seoul in September 2023.
The album I'm going to introduce to you today is a musical portrait of the Joseon Dynasty in 1800, when Korea was a united Korea, not the divided Korea of today. It is an oratorio that tells the story of my ancestors who were martyred for their faith and the spread of Catholicism in this small, hidden kingdom in the East during the feudal Joseon Dynasty. I sang the role of Peter Lee Seung-hoon, who became the first Korean baptized Christian. You can hear my voice on several tracks on the album. The oratorio's librettist, Jae chung KIM, spent nearly a decade writing, completing the libretto for a total of 2 ACTS, 23 songs, and his most beautiful composer, Ji-eun LEE, spent three years composing the music for the large-scale oratorio. As an opera singer, I am proud to play the lead role in an oratorio about Korea's unique history. In the oratorio, the main characters all die. Religious death is called martyrdom, and its Latin name, MARTYRES, is the title. It wasn't the Vatican or missionaries who brought Christianity to Korea.
It was the Korean intellectuals of the time who studied Christianity as a discipline and finally realized for themselves that it was a religion. The amazing power of religion is as true now as it was then, so I am very happy to be involved in the performance and album production of Martyres, which tells the history of my country in the form of oratorio music. Precious heritage is not created overnight. Classical music, especially newly composed classical music, but also oratorio music, all of these are difficult to get public attention. We are very aware of that. So we put in more effort and sweat and collaboration and communication. Why I'm introducing you to today, our album ‘Oratorio Martyres’
why I breathe, why I feel alive as an opera singer, t's all because of the beautiful tradition of music and the nobility of being human and being able to create. We hope all the artists involved will love our album, which they created themselves with their tears and hard work. Thank you so much.
orean Gloria Philhamony Kyungmi anna LEE – solo interview –
A Brilliant Encounter Between History and Religion ---- oratorio Martyres
Hello, Everyone! I'm Kyungmi anna Lee, the cellist who played the orchestra in Oratorio Martyres. Today, it is an honour to introduce our album to many music lovers around the world, together with the creators and fellow performers of Oratorio Martyres. I have been playing classical music all my life and am humbled by my life as a cellist.
It was a pleasure to be a part of the music that was being born, the music that was making its first steps into the world. We believe in the enduring power of classical music, but we also recognize the sheer passion and sheer dedication it requires. The oratorio's librettist, Jae Chung KIM, spent nearly a decade writing the libretto. It's about real people, real historic events, and a time when Korea first encountered the West. Composer Jieun LEE devoted nearly three years to composing an oratorio, a 200-year-old piece of music of gods and men that breathes martyrdom and prayer.
Capturing our history in classical music is never done in a single moment. And it takes even more courage and effort to bring it to the stage. Our history, our ancestors, the religious voices that emerge from it, the voices of the people rising up in times of oppression, all of this is contained in the music of Oratorio Martyres. We're thrilled that the album is filled with our own voices. Classical music is here to stay. We will create and perform even more than we do now to make our voices heard more than ever before. The sober intellect through metaphor, the beautiful and pure messages in music, the melodies that we want to remember and not forget, the human and the divine, religion and history - these are all things we want to continue to create.
We sincerely hope that the Oratorio Martyres album will convey our sincerity and our musical breath.
Forever, music, forever!
Forever, silent on the earth of music tradition and future! Thank you so much.
It took a long time to create, and also in practice and effort. Four different choirs had to work together. The album we present to you is a live recording of the world premiere of Oratorio Martyres.
Oratorio Martyres consists of three orchestral movements, five choruses with Latin lyrics, 14 choruses with Korean lyrics, and a protagonist aria; the final chorus, "Servant of God," has English lyrics.
The 12 songs in the first act span about 150 years of the religion's arrival in Korea, real people and real historical events spiral into each other. The music captures the birth of the first baptizer in Korean history, Lee Seung-hoon Peter, and the prayers and desperation of the early Christians to God amidst persecution, darkness, and trials.
The overture of Act I is a musical representation of the long period of time when history and religion first meet. Traditional Korean instruments in the orchestra convey the nervousness of the beginning. Pansori is the voice of the people in the feudal era. The first people who realized religion and wanted to get closer to God connected through song.
A Brilliant Encounter Between History and Religion
And finally, the first baptizer is born, and time passes, and the gospel comes to the people like a shadow, like the mist of dawn, like a long-awaited letter.
The final song of Act I is the impassioned Latin chorus "Rubrum Cathedralibus - Red Cathedral," an urgent call to remember the initial efforts that led to the Myeongdong Cathedral, which still stands today in Myeongdong, Seoul.
Act II opens with a song about the fearful realization that the people are dying amidst persecution and trials.
Some abandon religion, some become snitches, some follow religion, but they realize that they are nothing before God. Time passes, persecution continues, but the people awaken and rise up. The Helix Tempest is an orchestral portrait of turbulent times. Unlike the prayers of the early Christians, which were as breathless as night to night and day to day, in real history almost all Christians die in persecution. It leads to the great chorus, The Way of the Martyrs, which is dedicated to the period of persecution in which the most people died. The martyr's way is the way of death. But the final English-lyric chorus, addressed to people living in a time of religious freedom over the deaths of those 200 years ago, conveys hope, and the whole chorus unfolds. With Oratorio Martyres, we may be artists charged with the sacred task of capturing our history in classical music. We are pleased to present to you these two beautiful albums, and we thank you again and hope that they will be enjoyed by audiences around the world. I pray that one day we will be able to bring this music to your place and perform.
Forever, music, forever!
Forever, silent on the earth of music tradition and future! Thank you very much.
●앨범 소개
역사와 종교의 찬란한 조우 – 오라토리오 마르티레스 2023년 서울 라이브 실황
A Brilliant Encounter Between History and Religion
Original cast of oratorio Martyres / 오라토리오 마르티레스 오리지널 캐스트
한국 고유의 역사와 종교를 담고 국악기와 서양악기 모두가 사용되는 한국오라토리오이며 종교의 순교자들을 위한 장엄 합창 오라토리오다.
오라토리오 마르티레스는 이벽, 이승훈, 정약종, 권철신을 주인공으로 1800년대 봉건 조선을 시대적 배경으로 한다. 천주학의 도래와 복음의 전파, 군주정치와 붕당전치의 폐해, 그로 인한 민중의 봉기, 무엇보다 서학이라는 학문에서 종교로의 인식과 귀의를 통해 박해와 죽음의 역사적 사건들을 오라토리오 음악 양식으로 돌아보고 있다. 1막에서는 인조의 삼전도의 굴욕을 시작으로 소현세자의 청나라 볼모 생활 중에 자연스럽게 왕조의 역사에 스며든 천주학을 관현악곡에 담고 있다. 이후 조선 실학자들이 실제 열었던 경기도 천진암 강학회와 첫 영세자의 탄생, 수표교 집회와 가성직제도, 지금의 명동성당인 명례방에서의 기도와 집회까지가 담겨있다.
2막에서는 천주학의 민중 전파와 암울한 박해의 연속, 조선 유교 역사 질서에 반하여 생기는 사회적 격변과 배교, 서학이 전해지며 동학으로 이어지는 민중의 봉기를 연주곡과 합창곡 등에 담고 있다. 1801년 신유박해라는 역사적 사실에 기인한 주인공들의 서소문 밖 네거리 순교 장면을 마지막으로 막을 내린다. 오라토리오 마르티레스는 역사와 종교의 찬란한 조우의 시대를 인간의 노래와 신의 노래로 분화하여 당시의 조선 민중들이 그토록 듣고 싶었을 신의 응답을 담고 있다. 처참한 죽음 앞에 신에게 의지하며 마지막 순교 할 때까지 하늘을 보고 싶었다는 순교자들을 위한 진혼곡은 오히려 활기찬 마지막 영어 가사의 가스펠로 담겨져 있다.
제작 아트팜엘케이 기획 홍성욱 대본/작사 김재청 작곡/편곡 이지은 프로듀싱 김재청, 이지은
전체지휘 김도환 전체 캐스팅 Original Cast of 2023 oratorio Martyres
인천가톨릭합창단 (지휘 김도환, 단장 송훈상)
성악 앙상블 보체 디 아니마 (지휘 박태영), 무지카사크라 소년합창단 (지휘 김호정)
국악합창단 K판(지휘 백현호, 단장 이병욱), 코리안글로리아필하모닉 (단장 이경미, 악장 여근하)
이벽역 바리톤 최병혁, 이승훈역 테너 김지훈, 권철신, 정약종역 바리톤 류성현
조선의 혼불역 판소리, 장 그라몽, 형조판서역 바리톤 이동엽
대금 이창선, 생황 김효영, 해금 이승희
Recoding 오디오가이, 최강수 Tonemeister 박성범 Sound SFX 오대규, 김민
Immersive sound engineer 최정훈, 박상규, 탁은석
Sound Engineer 최강수, 정재현 Mastering 오디오가이, 최정훈, 최강수, 박성범
촬영 엄광헌(Rabbi Studio) 그래픽디자인 원주원 원화 김승철 캘리그라피 허두영
자문위원 홍성욱, 윤선영, 권혁태, 신희철, 박 미, 강은식
후원 서울시, 서울문화재단, 한국문화예술위원회, 토지문화재단
2023년 서울문화재단 예술창작활동지원사업 음악분야 선정작
2023년 한국문화예술위원회 예술과 기술매칭 지원 선정작
인천가톨릭합창단 지휘 김도환 피아노 정소영
Soprano 장영애(파트장), 김경아, 김미숙, 김 연, 문성옥, 박정애, 변정신, 송미수, 송봉주 유혜진, 이경미, 정인순, 지윤화, 채근자, 한원선, 한진숙, 현미지, 황명숙 Alto 김현아(파트장), 김윤아, 박미화, 변락희, 이정임, 이혜숙, 주수정, 안정윤Tenor 표경동(파트장), 서명하, 송훈상(단장), 원대식, 이 용, 황영주Bass 이광제(파트장), 김성곤, 김영이, 김형욱, 박흥준, 홍석일
성악 앙상블 보체 디 아니마 지휘 박태영 피아노 유지영
Soprano 이선린, 최경아, 추정현, 허의정, 오소영 Alto 김율아, 김정윤, 박윤정, 박현정 Tenor 이재형, 정성우, 서준호 Bass 박태영, 이동엽
무지카사크라 소년합창단 지휘 김호정 부지휘 김윤아 피아노 정수정
김지수(단장), 이민준, 정윤우, 석승엽, 한민준, 함현서, 이여준, 김형순, 정하준, 백주원, 김바울, 김민순, 이민규, 최준우, 이준희, 김의현
코리안글로리아필하모닉 단장 이경미, 악장 여근하
Violin 여근하, 이지연, 유연주, 김은송, 김민정, 이휘소, 임지영 Viola 정수경, 고빈, 이성욱, 김태영Cello 이경미, 이하은, 권혜림 Dublebass 임상식, 김태완 Flute 조훈희 Oboe 임민정 Clarinet 예은하 Bassoon 이명진 Horn 박예림 Bass Trombone 안치정 Trompet 이희석 Timpani 심재형 Percussion 박대순